We offer free shipping within the USA.
All orders are shipped from our Los Angeles studio. Our shipping speeds depend on the shipping option you select at checkout, however, if your order is urgent, it can be very prompt (overnight within the USA or 1-5 business days worldwide).
We ship to any postcode in the world. Unfortunately, we are unable to ship to PO boxes.
After the construction of your order is complete, you will receive a dispatch email including details on how to track your article. You can also view the estimated delivery date.
If you're not going to be available to receive your parcel, please select alternative delivery arrangements with your carrier. There is a maximum of delivery attempts and holding time for your parcel, after which it will be redelivered back to Gemeli Power Inc. Should this happen, we will contact you for redelivery, you will absorb an additional shipping fees.
Any customs or import duties are charged once the parcel reaches its destination country, these charges are absorbed by the recipient. Unfortunately we have no control over these charges, however, many of our garments are duty-free. Customs policies vary widely between countries; you may want to contact your local customs office or website for further information.
All return shipping charges are absorbed by the customer.
Our customer care team is available to assist you with any shipping enquiries. We will respond within 12 business hours (PST)